Thursday, June 25, 2009

A little about me

Hello everyone! My name is Diana and this is my site, as you could probably tell :). I am a poet and the purpose of this site is for me to be able to share my poems with you.

First of all, if you don't like poetry, stay here. you may enjoy my poems because I used to think that poems were only stuff like Shakespeare (no offense, if you like Shakespeare) but he really bores me. I thought the only type of poetry was stuff like "shall I compare thee to a summers day?" but there are SO much different types, its just crazy, and mine is totally not like that, actually is a very modern type of poetry.

Second of all, I only started writing poetry in April or may, I have not been writing poems all my life. My parents say it is a natural talent. Okay so I am going to update one of my poems. If you have any questions or comments, please send them to me at [email protected]

I will be sure to answer all of your questions and or comments

Yours truly,


  1. Hi Diana,
    I'm glad that you decided to show to the world what YOU can do.

    I bet it wasn't easy... as well as it wasn't easy to get to the microphone at the Toronto Youth Slam poetry competition.

    But you did it then and you did it again. You're very brave - not because you do not afraid (those who dont afraid are stupid...) but because you can make yourself do things that you afraid to do.

  2. HI Diana,
    I like dyour poem and will read more as time goes by! Thanks for your contribution!
    I still like Shakespeare though! And you writ every well, I think!
    Best of luck, I liked about the nails looking like a summer's night ...was it..or seem to be a natural writer!
    Synnove from UK
